Company Profile
Southwest Florida Aviation, Inc. is a privately held company founded in 1982. The company office is in Florida. As an international leader in providing helicopters, maintenance, and helicopter overhaul service, the company has earned a highly respected reputation in the industry for our knowledge, expertise, and exceptionally fast turnaround of Bell and SW Series models, providing quality helicopter maintenance, excellent customer service, and minimizing the amount of downtime for our customers. We are successful at helping our customers get off the ground and flying as soon as possible. The company has been setting standards for quality throughout the world as one of the major companies dedicated to manufacturing, overhauling, maintenance, and service in accordance with FAA standards since becoming an approved repair station by the United States Federal Aviation
Administration under Certificate Number UL4R574M.
Our facility is dedicated exclusively to providing our customers with the finest service available. In addition, Southwest Florida Aviation, Inc. stocks a full inventory of genuine spare parts and equipment to ensure complete customer support. This extensive spare parts inventory includes engines, transmissions, blades, nuts, bolts, gaskets, and the innumerable items that are required to keep helicopters flying. The company also maintains a large technical library, including reference manuals, technical drawings, substantiation reports, blueprints, maintenance manuals, illustrated parts manuals, component overhaul manuals, and engineering drawings of the helicopter.
Our continuing success is propelled by our uncompromising commitment to quality, service, and safety. As a hands-on, quality-driven company, we have a reputation for delivering outstanding service in every detail of business imaginable. Most importantly, we are proactive and dedicated to our customers’ needs. Since its inception, Southwest Florida Aviation, Inc. is authorized to refurbish and equip UH-1 series helicopters as well as the remanufacture of the Bell series 204, 205, 212, and 412 Series and their components. Our technical staff has a full range of experience and expertise in these series; they can identify and resolve problems quickly. Our customers benefit from faster turnaround time and lower operating costs. The company has performed a large volume of maintenance, remanufacturing, and overhauling of a large fleet of UH-1, Bell 205A-1, 212, and Bell 412 series of helicopters for clients in the United States, France, Spain, Venezuela, Colombia, Chile, Portugal, South Africa, Argentina, Paraguay and throughout the Pacific rim countries.

Southwest Florida Aviation, Inc. constantly pursues a program of product enhancements, incorporating the latest technological advances into the basic, proven UH-1 series airframe. These efforts have resulted in the FAA granting a Type Certificate H6SO as well as the recognition of Southwest Florida, Inc. by the United States Federal Aviation Administration, as the manufacturer of SW204, SW204HP, SW205, and SW205A-1 with our distinct helicopter designation. In addition, the company manufactures models SW205T, SW212, SW212S, SW212T, SW412, and SW412T. Southwest Florida Aviation, Inc. also holds similar certificates in other countries, including Spain, the Dominican Republic, South Africa, Argentina, and Australia. In addition, Southwest Florida Aviation, Inc. offers one of the best warranty provisions in the industry. Southwest Florida Aviation, Inc. has been and continues to be an innovative leader in the application of new technology and advanced modification innovations in overhauling, modifying, maintaining, and re-manufacturing the 204, 205, 212, 412, and UH-1 Series helicopters and their components as well as our helicopter upgrade program. Many of the high-tech helicopter
modification and innovations developed, patented, and owned by Jamie R. Hill include but are not limited to the following:
With our vast technical expertise and several additional pending patents for advanced modification designs, we will further enhance the performance characteristics of the base aircraft. Our clients can be assured that our modified helicopters can bring their older aircraft up to modern operational characteristics. Currently in the aircraft modification industry, there are only a few companies involved in the re-manufacturing and upgrading of the UH-1H and 205 series aircraft and have accomplished as much as we have done over the years.
History and Background
Southwest Florida Aviation, Inc. provides services to individuals and businesses around the world. The U.S. business is in Florida. The helicopters that we manufacture at Southwest Florida Aviation, Inc. are the models SW204, SW204HP, SW205, SW205A-1, SW210, SW205T, SW212, SW212S, SW212T, SW412, and SW412t with either the commercial T5313B/T5317 or the military T53-L-13/T53-L-703 engines. These civilian aircraft SW204 series, SW205 series, SW212 series, and SW412 series are the same by form, fit, and function, as the BELL’s civil models 204B, 205A, and 205A-1, 212, 412 which are used for civilian applications. These aircraft are commercial-type properties that are generally considered not to be unique and peculiar to DOD, and they possess commercial marketability. The SW-Series aircraft are identical in nature, function, and capability since they were manufactured from the OEM’s original drawings and specifications of Bell’s civil aircraft models.
Origin of Commodity
The helicopters Model SW204 series and SW205 series that are manufactured by Southwest Florida Aviation, Inc. under FAA Type Certificate H6SO, are utility helicopters that is of a type that was manufactured in accordance with the requirements of and accepted for use by, an Armed Forces of the United States as the Model 204 (UH-1B) and 205 (UH-1H). We have taken the original technical data that is used for the design, development, production, manufacture, assembly, operation, repair, testing, maintenance or modification, this includes blueprints, drawings, and documentation that are technical data that are within the purview of Title 22 CFR §120.11(a)(7) as Public Domain to obtain our FAA Type Certificate, which is identical technical data submitted to the FAA for certification of the BELL civil models 204B, 205A, 205A-1, and 212. The utility aircraft was designed for utility purposes, such as; medical evacuation, external loads, troop transport, trainer, and search & rescue. The aircraft has always had simultaneous military and commercial uses since its inception as for the civil and military model aircraft. This is a product that has been used concurrently for both military and commercial since first used in the 1960s. The overall design idea has remained the same since it was first manufactured with the main changes over the years being an increase in strength and capability for the civil aircraft model BELL 204B, 205A, 205A-1, 212, and 412 as the helicopter became more powerful and versatile, which we have included in our FAA Type Certificate to allow for the use of these civil upgrades, thus proving that our models have no prior military history.
Current Uses
This type of helicopter is currently approved under Title 14 Code of Federal Regulation 21.25(a)(2), and 21.27 (a) (f) (CAR 7) for use as outlined in Title 14 Code of Federal Regulation 91.313 in the following categories:
Agricultural and pest control
Forest and Wildlife conservation
External load
Search and Rescue/Air Ambulance
Aerial Surveying
Aerial patrolling
Aerial advertising
Passenger Transport
Humanitarian/Disaster Relief
Patrolling Railroads
The marketing for these aircraft is civilian as an aerial workhorse. The aircraft meets ICAO standards in accordance with the drawing and our aircraft design criteria were manufactured to the same civil aircraft design specification, drawing, and industry standards, as Bell civil aircraft. All UH-1 Series, Bell 204B, 205A, 205A-1, 212, and 412 aircraft and parts were built to the same design specifications whether they were destined for military use or commercial use since Bell requested this fabrication system. The helicopters complies with noise emission standards applicable to the helicopters as set out by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in Annex 16, Volume 1, Chapter 8, for gross weights up to and including certificated maximum takeoff and landing weight of the respective helicopter model. There are no operating limitations in meeting takeoff, flyover, or approach noise requirements. The following noise levels comply with ICAO Annex 16, Volume 1, Chapter 8, Section 8.4.1 noise level requirements. They were obtained by analysis of approved data from noise tests conducted under provisions of ICAO Annex 16, Volume 1, Second Edition – 1988. The helicopters are qualified as Stage 2 helicopters as prescribed in Title 14 CFR Part 36, Subpart H, for gross weights up to and including the certificated maximum takeoff and landing weight of the respective helicopter model. There are no operating limitations in meeting the takeoff, flyover, or approach noise requirements.